12166150 | North Fork Stillaguamish River near Swede Heaven, WA (gage height, turbidity) |
12166185 | North Fork Stillaguamish River at C-Post Bridge near Oso, WA (gage height) |
12166190 | North Fork Stillaguamish River Northeast Pooled Slide Area near Oso, WA (lake elevation) (station discontinued June 10, 2014) |
12166200 | North Fork Stillaguamish River East Pooled Slide Area near Oso, WA (lake elevation, water temperature) (station discontinued May 7, 2014) |
12166220 | North Fork Stillaguamish River SW Pooled Slide Area near Oso, WA (lake elevation) (station discontinued April 25, 2014) |
12166240 | North Fork Stillaguamish River at Rowan, WA (gage height) |
12166300 | North Fork Stillaguamish River near Oso, WA (gage height, turbidity, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen) |
05B090 | North Fork Stillaguamish River at Oso (source: WADOE) (discharge, gage height, precipitation, water and air temperature) |
12166400 | North Fork Stillaguamish River at Whitehorse Trail near Oso, WA (gage height) |
12166495 | North Fork Stillaguamish River at Oso, WA (gage height) |
12167000 | North Fork Stillaguamish River near Arlington, WA (discharge, gage height) |
12170300 | Stillaguamish River near Stanwood, WA (gage affected by tides) (gage height, turbidity, water temperature and velocity) |
Jonathan Godt, landslides
Rex Baum, landslides
Dick Iverson, landslides & debris flows (page includes videos of experimental debris flows)
Chris Magirl, fluvial geomorphology
Jim O'Connor, fluvial geomorphology
Engel, J., 2006, Steelhead Landslide, January 25, 2006 (chronology and images) (source: Stillaguamish Tribe)
Haugerud, R.A., 2014, Preliminary interpretation of pre-2014 landslide deposits in the vicinity of Oso, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1065, 4 p., https://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20141065.
Iverson, R.M., 2014, Debris flows: behaviour and hazard assessment: Geology Today, v. 30, no. 1, p. 15-20.
Iverson, R.M., and George, D.L., 2014, Landslides that liquefy: implications of the 2014 Oso disaster [abs.]: Geological Society of America, Paper No. 248-5, https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2014AM/webprogram/Paper243384.html.
Iverson, R.M., George, D.L., Allstadt, K., Reid, M.E., Collins, B.D., Vallance, J.W., Schilling, S.P., Godt, J.W., Cannon, C.M., Magirl, C.S., Baum, R.L., Coe, J.A., Schultz, W.H., and Bower, J.B., 2015, Landslide mobility and hazards: implications of the 2014 Oso disaster: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 412, p. 197-208, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.12.020.
Miller, D.J., and Sias, J., 1998, Deciphering large landslides: linking hydrological, groundwater and slope stability models through GIS: Hydrol. Process., v. 12, p. 923-941.
Please contact Marijke van Heeswijk at heeswijk@usgs.gov with any additional questions.