Project Contacts
Rick Dinicola,
Associate Director, WA Water Science Center,
934 Broadway,
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 552-1603
graphic line

Chambers-Clover Model

#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*- # This script displays the navigation bar for all project pages. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print html header #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve query string and specify variables for links. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $publications_link = "Publications and Products | "; $links_link = "Related Links | "; $news_link = "News Releases | "; $data_link = "Data | "; $maps_link = "Maps | "; $science_link = "Scientific Topics | "; $bibliography_link = "Bibliography | "; $status_link = "Status | "; $database_link = "Database | "; $acknowledge_link = "Acknowledgments | "; $photo_link = "Photo Gallery | "; $asses_link = "Assessment Document | "; $gis_link = "GIS and Aerial Photography Sources | "; $contact_link = "Contact Us | "; $flood_link = "Flood Hazards | "; $path = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $path =~ s/%([0-9|A-F]{2})/pack("C",hex($1))/eg; $path =~ s/[;<>\*\|'&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:"\\\/]//g; $path = "../projects/".$path."/includes/".$path.".config"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open the configuration file for the specific project. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require $path; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print table head #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print qq~
 Project Home | ~; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine which links to display for specific project, based on configuration file. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while ($status > 0) { print "$status_link"; $status = 0; } while ($publications > 0) { print "$publications_link"; $publications = 0; } while ($links > 0) { print "$links_link"; $links = 0; } while ($news > 0) { print "$news_link"; $news = 0 } while ($data > 0) { print "$data_link"; $data =0; } while ($maps > 0) { print "$maps_link"; $maps = 0; } while ($science > 0) { print "$science_link"; $science = 0; } while ($bibliography > 0) { print "$bibliography_link"; $bibliography = 0; } while ($database > 0) { print "$database_link"; $database = 0; } while ($acknowledge > 0) { print "$acknowledge_link"; $acknowledge = 0; } while ($photo > 0) { print "$photo_link"; $photo = 0; } while ($asses > 0) { print "$asses_link"; $asses = 0; } while ($gis > 0) { print "$gis_link"; $gis = 0; } while ($contact > 0) { print "$contact_link"; $contact = 0; } while ($flood > 0) { print "$flood_link"; $flood = 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print table footer #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print qq~ Project Summaries | Partnerships |
~; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End Script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Issue: In 1998, to address diminishing water availability and quality and the loss of critical habitat for fish and wildlife, Washington State enacted the Watershed Management Act. Under this Act, in the process of watershed planning for the Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed in Pierce County, Planning Unit members and partners uncovered gaps in data that would limit the usefulness of their plan.

How USGS Will Help: To address these data gaps and help develop a long-term watershed management plan for Chambers-Clover Creek Watershed, the watershed Plannng Unit and partners asked the USGS to help design and conduct a groundwater study. The USGS will characterize the groundwater-flow system in the watershed, establish and monitor a network of groundwater wells, and integrate all the information into a numerical groundwater-flow model.