FEMA High Water Marks - Western Washington Flood, January 2009
#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
# This script displays the navigation bar for all project pages.
# Print html header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Retrieve query string and specify variables for links.
$publications_link = "
Publications and Products | ";
$links_link = "
Related Links | ";
$news_link = "
News Releases | ";
$data_link = "
Data | ";
$maps_link = "
Maps | ";
$science_link = "
Scientific Topics | ";
$bibliography_link = "
Bibliography | ";
$status_link = "
Status | ";
$database_link = "
Database | ";
$acknowledge_link = "
Acknowledgments | ";
$photo_link = "
Photo Gallery | ";
$asses_link = "
Assessment Document | ";
$gis_link = "
GIS and Aerial Photography Sources | ";
$contact_link = "
Contact Us | ";
$flood_link = "
Flood Hazards | ";
$path = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
$path =~ s/%([0-9|A-F]{2})/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
$path =~ s/[;<>\*\|'&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:"\\\/]//g;
$path = "../projects/".$path."/includes/".$path.".config";
# Open the configuration file for the specific project.
require $path;
# Print table head
print qq~
| |
| Project Home |
# Determine which links to display for specific project, based on configuration file.
while ($status > 0) {
print "$status_link";
$status = 0;
while ($publications > 0) {
print "$publications_link";
$publications = 0;
while ($links > 0) {
print "$links_link";
$links = 0;
while ($news > 0) {
print "$news_link";
$news = 0
while ($data > 0) {
print "$data_link";
$data =0;
while ($maps > 0) {
print "$maps_link";
$maps = 0;
while ($science > 0) {
print "$science_link";
$science = 0;
while ($bibliography > 0) {
print "$bibliography_link";
$bibliography = 0;
while ($database > 0) {
print "$database_link";
$database = 0;
while ($acknowledge > 0) {
print "$acknowledge_link";
$acknowledge = 0;
while ($photo > 0) {
print "$photo_link";
$photo = 0;
while ($asses > 0) {
print "$asses_link";
$asses = 0;
while ($gis > 0) {
print "$gis_link";
$gis = 0;
while ($contact > 0) {
print "$contact_link";
$contact = 0;
while ($flood > 0) {
print "$flood_link";
$flood = 0;
# Print table footer
print qq~
Project Summaries |
Partnerships |
# End Script
The Issue: Significant flooding occurred throughout western Washington on January 7 and 8, 2009. As part of its Hazard Mitigation effort, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region X needs documentation on the extent of flooding for verifying Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) and corresponding Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) that have been recently completed, or are planned for some of the rivers affected by the flooding.
How USGS will help: The USGS will conduct field surveys of flood high-water-marks to document the extent, elevation, and magnitude of flooding in selected river reaches in Western Washington.