Project Contacts
Rick Dinicola,
Associate Director, WA Water Science Center,
934 Broadway,
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 552-1603
graphic line

Skagit Ground Water Model

#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*- # This script displays the navigation bar for all project pages. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print html header #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve query string and specify variables for links. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $publications_link = "Publications and Products | "; $links_link = "Related Links | "; $news_link = "News Releases | "; $data_link = "Data | "; $maps_link = "Maps | "; $science_link = "Scientific Topics | "; $bibliography_link = "Bibliography | "; $status_link = "Status | "; $database_link = "Database | "; $acknowledge_link = "Acknowledgments | "; $photo_link = "Photo Gallery | "; $asses_link = "Assessment Document | "; $gis_link = "GIS and Aerial Photography Sources | "; $contact_link = "Contact Us | "; $flood_link = "Flood Hazards | "; $path = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $path =~ s/%([0-9|A-F]{2})/pack("C",hex($1))/eg; $path =~ s/[;<>\*\|'&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:"\\\/]//g; $path = "../projects/".$path."/includes/".$path.".config"; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open the configuration file for the specific project. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require $path; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print table head #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print qq~
 Project Home | ~; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine which links to display for specific project, based on configuration file. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while ($status > 0) { print "$status_link"; $status = 0; } while ($publications > 0) { print "$publications_link"; $publications = 0; } while ($links > 0) { print "$links_link"; $links = 0; } while ($news > 0) { print "$news_link"; $news = 0 } while ($data > 0) { print "$data_link"; $data =0; } while ($maps > 0) { print "$maps_link"; $maps = 0; } while ($science > 0) { print "$science_link"; $science = 0; } while ($bibliography > 0) { print "$bibliography_link"; $bibliography = 0; } while ($database > 0) { print "$database_link"; $database = 0; } while ($acknowledge > 0) { print "$acknowledge_link"; $acknowledge = 0; } while ($photo > 0) { print "$photo_link"; $photo = 0; } while ($asses > 0) { print "$asses_link"; $asses = 0; } while ($gis > 0) { print "$gis_link"; $gis = 0; } while ($contact > 0) { print "$contact_link"; $contact = 0; } while ($flood > 0) { print "$flood_link"; $flood = 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print table footer #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print qq~ Project Summaries | Partnerships |
~; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End Script #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

State and local water-resource managers in Lower Skagit/Samish Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA-3) face two water-availability issues that are common throughout Washington State. First, they must reserve water for domestic wells that are exempt from the water rights system without harming river and stream ecosystems in the lower Skagit River basin. Skagit County, which would be responsible for implementing the proposed reservation rules through land-use management, requires a scientifically credible basis for allocating reservations of any size. Second, water managers need to determine where ground-water pumping between the Skagit and Samish basins should be regulated as part of the Skagit River instream-flow regulations.