Skagit Ground Water Model
#!/usr/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
# This script displays the navigation bar for all project pages.
# Print html header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Retrieve query string and specify variables for links.
$publications_link = "
Publications and Products | ";
$links_link = "
Related Links | ";
$news_link = "
News Releases | ";
$data_link = "
Data | ";
$maps_link = "
Maps | ";
$science_link = "
Scientific Topics | ";
$bibliography_link = "
Bibliography | ";
$status_link = "
Status | ";
$database_link = "
Database | ";
$acknowledge_link = "
Acknowledgments | ";
$photo_link = "
Photo Gallery | ";
$asses_link = "
Assessment Document | ";
$gis_link = "
GIS and Aerial Photography Sources | ";
$contact_link = "
Contact Us | ";
$flood_link = "
Flood Hazards | ";
$path = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
$path =~ s/%([0-9|A-F]{2})/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
$path =~ s/[;<>\*\|'&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:"\\\/]//g;
$path = "../projects/".$path."/includes/".$path.".config";
# Open the configuration file for the specific project.
require $path;
# Print table head
print qq~
| |
| Project Home |
# Determine which links to display for specific project, based on configuration file.
while ($status > 0) {
print "$status_link";
$status = 0;
while ($publications > 0) {
print "$publications_link";
$publications = 0;
while ($links > 0) {
print "$links_link";
$links = 0;
while ($news > 0) {
print "$news_link";
$news = 0
while ($data > 0) {
print "$data_link";
$data =0;
while ($maps > 0) {
print "$maps_link";
$maps = 0;
while ($science > 0) {
print "$science_link";
$science = 0;
while ($bibliography > 0) {
print "$bibliography_link";
$bibliography = 0;
while ($database > 0) {
print "$database_link";
$database = 0;
while ($acknowledge > 0) {
print "$acknowledge_link";
$acknowledge = 0;
while ($photo > 0) {
print "$photo_link";
$photo = 0;
while ($asses > 0) {
print "$asses_link";
$asses = 0;
while ($gis > 0) {
print "$gis_link";
$gis = 0;
while ($contact > 0) {
print "$contact_link";
$contact = 0;
while ($flood > 0) {
print "$flood_link";
$flood = 0;
# Print table footer
print qq~
Project Summaries |
Partnerships |
# End Script