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Suspended-Sediment Concentrations during Dam Decommissioning in the Elwha River, Washington

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Park Service

By Christopher A. Curran, Christopher S. Magirl, and Jeffrey J. Duda

Appendix A. Suspended-Sediment Sample Data

Suspended-sediment sample data are presented for the water-quality monitoring site Elwha River at Diversion, near Port Angeles, Washington (USGS station No. 12046260). The data were used for regression model calibration and consist of the total suspended-sediment concentration and the concentration of fine suspended sediment (particle size <0.0625 mm) as well as the corresponding turbidity recorded at the monitoring site during sample collection.

Appendix A (XLSX, 12 KB)

Appendix B. Turbidity and Suspended Sediment Concentration Time Series

The 15-minute time-series record of turbidity and corresponding suspended-sediment concentration as computed by a regression model, are presented for the water-quality monitoring site Elwha River at Diversion, near Port Angeles, Washington (USGS station No. 12046260). For each turbidity value, the concentration of fine suspended-sediment (particle size less than 0.0625 mm) also is presented as determined by regression and the associated uncertainty for each concentration value. Uncertainty is expressed as an upper and lower concentration representing, with 90-percent confidence, the range of expected concentration for a given turbidity value.

Appendix B (XLSX, 6.05 MB)