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Flood Damage to USGS Gages in Washington, 1996-1997

Updated April 16, 1997

Flooding in 1996 and 1997 throughout Washington State damaged or destroyed numerous U.S. Geological Survey streamflow gaging stations. The damage ranged from minor surficial damage to the complete destruction of the gage. Included in this was damage to cableways used by field technicians to measure streamflow.

The severe damage known to date is summarized below. This damage disrupted the continuous data collection at the site and the real-time data where the station was equipped with satellite telemetry equipment. This report will be updated as damage is better known or repairs are made.

Numerous gages, not listed here, suffered less severe damage which does not necessarily effect the stage or real-time data from the site, but sufficient to warrant repairs. In addition the floods made significant channel changes which will necessitate additional field work to establish updated stage- discharge relationships for the computation of an accurate flow.

The US Geological Survey operates streamflow gages in cooperation with other Federal, State, and local government agencies for the collection, understand- ing and analysis of the water resources in Washington. The loss of or damage to gages is a loss of data and information for everyone needing data from these sites for the operation and management of the water resources of the State.



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